Archive for the ‘military expenditures’ Category

U.S. and China: Which Way?

August 23, 2007

Alvin Rabushka
The Washington Times
August 23, 2007

Current U.S. headlines about China trumpet dubious dog food and lead paint in toys. Too bad all that is burying another important story. China’s emergence as an economic power has set off alarms among national security and military experts in Washington, D.C., about China’s rapidly rising military expenditures, including the acquisition of world-class submarines, development of a blue-water navy, modern aircraft, satellite-launch and -destruction capability, a broad range of missiles, and a more professional army.

An immediate concern is Taiwan’s security, but the longer-term threat resides in China’s growing influence throughout Asia and its forays into Africa and Latin America in quest of natural resources. What, then, should U.S. policy be toward China?

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