Archive for the ‘minority’ Category

ACORN defends efforts amid voter-fraud allegations

October 15, 2008

By Ann Sanner

WASHINGTON (AP) – An activist organization on Tuesday defended its voter registration practices amid new allegations of voter fraud and a call from Republican lawmakers to investigate irregularities.

In Ohio, Democrat Barack Obama told reporters that the group’s registration problems should not be used by the GOP as an excuse to keep voters from turning out on Election Day.

The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, known as ACORN, has registered 1.3 million young people, minorities and poor and working-class voters, the group says.
ACORN member demonstrating against predatory lending 
Above: ACORN member demonstrating against predatory lending

Some of those registration cards have become the focus of fraud investigations in Nevada, Connecticut, Missouri and at least five other states. Election officials in Ohio and North Carolina also recently questioned the group’s voter forms.

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